
User rights and responsibilities

All information published on the website of Matière® company is the property of Matière®. Any full or partial copy can not be done without the consent of Matière® company.

Users are responsible for the interpretation and use they make of the information and documents on the website. It is their responsibility to use it according to regulations and recommendations of the National Commission on Informatics and Liberties (CNIL) when data has nominal contents.

Especially they need to know that information should only be used for professional purposes, that the screenshooting used to reconstruct or expand a nominative database or any document is against French law and therefore prohibited, as the use of any information of the website for commercial or advertising purposes.

The implementation of hypertext links by any third part towards pages or documents available on the website of Matière® company may indeed constitute an infringement of copyright, any act subject to parasitism or defamation must subject to approval of the Matière® company that can be requested directly from the site administrator or concerned department of Matière® company.

The will be granted if the links are not contrary to the interests of Matière® company, and if they guarantee the possibility for the user to identify the origin of document as Matière® company in case of deep hypertext links, framing or any insertion via links.

Legal texts (CNIL web-site)

  • Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 concerning computers, files and freedoms, Informatique et Libertés
  • CNIL deliberation n ° 81-94 of 21 July 1981 on the adoption of a recommendation relative to general measures of computer system security
  • 88-19 of 5 January 1988 on computer fraud, loi Godfrain